Monday, August 30, 2010

Feeding Frenzy

We're all about food in our house right now! Eve started eating solids about 3 weeks ago & she loves it!! She's eating rice cereal, sweet potatoes & peas. Today we tried some apple, so we'll see how that goes. She'd eat her weight in the sweet potatoes & cereal but the peas I think she just tolerates. Mealtime always ends up being a fun mess!

I make my own baby food. I picked up a box of rice cereal the other day & couldn't pronounce half the ingredients. That pretty much solidified my decision to make my own. Plus, it's so much cheaper! I use my coffee grinder to grind sweet brown rice into a powder. It probably take a little longer than the boxed stuff to get the right consistency (but I'm not sure, I've never made the stuff!). It turns out tasting like yummy cream of wheat ... something I'd eat! I love knowing exactly what's going into my baby's tummy. The real cost saver really comes with the veggies. I can bake & puree 3 sweet potatoes & have enough to feed her for about 2 months. Plus, she's eating pure veggies. I still nurse her every 4 hours-ish, so she's getting the great nutrition of breast milk too.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


My very talented ameteur photographer sister from another mother took some 4.5 month old pics of Eve.


Since you made it this far, I'm sure you're wondering what all this "Deffah" business is about. Here's the story ...

When I was a little girl I made up my own language. It wasn't just normal 2 year old jibber jabber. I actually made up my own words for things. My sister, 14 months older than me, was the "interpreter" of my language. For some reason, she was the only person who knew what I was saying. Deffah was my word for breakfast. I'd wake up in the mornings, stumble into my parents' room & my mom would wake up to a little toddler face inches away from hers, "Deffah!" She knew that if she didn't get up then & make me some breakfast I'd be in the kitchen fending for myself.

It seemed like an enticing yet significant title for a blog!

I wanted an outlet to brag on my baby, share pictures & stories with family & friends, & post some creative writing. Hopefully I'll entertain a few people with my random bits of knowledge about that interest me.